It’s a question that Event Industry News is frequently asked. For the most part, the apps developed for the event industry have been done so with careful consideration as to the benefits they will bring the user, whether that be the organiser or the attendee.
However, the tech market remains a vast minefield of services that the inexperienced #eventprof may find complicated. So, to make things easier, Event Industry News has once again done some legwork for you.
Whilst the clear majority of event apps are undoubt- edly useful, we wanted to look at the ones that really enhance your event. Our search focussed on apps that might help attendees understand the event content on a deeper level, improve the networking opportunities for delegates, or allow exhibitors to reach out to visitors to improve their own ROI.
The key word we focussed on was enhance. We wanted to find the apps that make the whole experience of an event better for the user than it would be without that app. So, read, and find out which apps made it into our list of event apps to enhance events.